Lesson 2 – How Best to Use Your Social Media

Welcome to Lesson Two!

Lesson Two - How Best To Use Your Social Media!

In this lesson, we will explore the power of Social Media to bring you customers and orders.

Covering Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, & Pinterest and using Linktree to use the 'Bio" sections so much better than just one link.

Instagram logo


You’ve probably been doing Instagram for a while now and you know what you are doing.

So you might not need this  - 22 Ways to Use Instagram to Get More Customers for Your Cake Store.

As the aroma of freshly baked cakes fills your bakery, you know that your creations are truly special. But how do you convey that to a larger audience and attract more customers to your cake store?

Enter Instagram – a visual platform that can be a game-changer for your business. With the right strategies, you can turn your Instagram profile into a mouthwatering showcase and a customer magnet.

Here are 22 effective ways to use Instagram to get more customers for your cake store:

  1. Tempting Visuals:  Showcase your delectable cakes with high-quality and visually stunning images. Use professional photography or a smartphone with excellent camera features to make your creations irresistible.
  2. Create a Dedicated Business Account:  Set up a separate Instagram business account for your cake store. This will provide you with access to valuable insights and analytics.
  3. Define Your Brand:  Develop a unique brand identity with consistent colors, fonts, and themes that represent your cake store's personality.
  4. Behind-the-Scenes Sneak Peeks:  Take your audience behind the scenes to see the cake-making process. Share images or stories of your bakers at work, frosting techniques, and decorating tips.
  5. Showcase Variety:  Display a diverse range of cakes, from classic flavors to innovative creations. Highlight special offerings for different occasions like birthdays, weddings, and holidays.
  6. Themed Content:  Create themed content that resonates with your target audience. Themes like "Cake of the Week" or "Fruit-Flavored Fridays" can keep your followers engaged.
  7. Tell the Story Behind The Photo.   If you show Little Jonny’s 6th Birthday Cake, also tell how the family dog got the leftover crumbs or how the bright blue icing turned Jonny’s Grandpa’s tongue blue for a few hours and Jonny thought that was the funniest thing he had ever seen.
  8. Embrace user-generated content: Encourage your followers to tag you in their posts featuring your product or content. Reposting user-generated content fosters a sense of community and authenticity. Customers will love it when you share their photo on your page (perhaps ask first). If their post using your product get lots of views, offer them a free cookie or a coffee, next time they come in, as a show of appreciation for featuring your product. Perhaps offer a few customers something in return if their posts of your product - with your store name prominently shown,  gets more than 10K view – or something similar!
  9. Interactive Polls and Quizzes:  Use Instagram Stories' interactive features to run polls and quizzes about cake preferences. This will encourage participation and feedback.

See this link for  "How to Run an Instagram Poll or Quiz"

  1. Video Tutorials:  Share short and engaging video tutorials of cake decoration or baking tips. These can establish your expertise and attract aspiring bakers.
  2. Customer Testimonials:  Feature satisfied customers enjoying your cakes or sharing their reviews. User-generated content builds trust and authenticity.  You can use reviews from your Google Business Profile  (see more details below for this)
  3. Collaborate with Local Influencers:  Partner with local food influencers or bloggers who can showcase your cakes to their followers. Influencer endorsements can significantly expand your reach.
  4. Instagram Contests:  Organize fun and enticing contests like "Best Cake Photo" or "Caption This Cake" to encourage user participation and create buzz.
  5. Instagram Live Events:  Host live sessions to interact with your audience in real-time. You can demonstrate cake decorating or answer questions from viewers.
  6. Seasonal Promotions:  Offer seasonal promotions, discounts, or limited-edition cake flavors to create a sense of urgency and excitement.
  7. Use Hashtags Strategically:  Utilize popular food-related hashtags and location-based hashtags to reach a wider audience interested in cakes and desserts.
  8. Engage with Followers:  Respond to comments, messages, and mentions promptly. Show appreciation for your customers and engage with them regularly.
  9. Showcase Customization Options:  If you offer custom cake designs, highlight the process and the beautiful results to inspire potential customers.
  10. Instagram Reels:  Get creative with Instagram Reels by sharing short and entertaining cake-related content. Reels have the potential to go viral and reach a larger audience.
  11. Collaborate with Other Local Businesses:  Partner with local event planners, photographers, or party venues. Cross-promotion can lead to valuable referrals.
  12. Customer Loyalty Program:  Reward loyal customers who share photos of your cakes or tag your cake store in their posts. This encourages customer retention and word-of-mouth marketing.
  13. Monitor Analytics:  Use Instagram Insights to track the performance of your posts, stories, and overall account. Analyze what content works best and adapt your strategy accordingly.

Not all of these 22 creative strategies will be suitable for you and your business, but your cake store can harness the power of Instagram to attract more customers and build a loyal following. As you showcase your mouthwatering creations and engage with your audience, your cake store is sure to become the go-to destination for cake lovers near and far.

But, . .  Instagram posts can go all over the world – how many of those 100K views are actually potential customers?

So how do you concentrate your Instagram posts and views to users close to your store?

  1. Optimize Your Profile:  Make sure your Instagram bio clearly mentions your business location and what you offer. Use a recognizable profile picture, and include a link to your website or contact information.
  2. Use Local Hashtags:  Incorporate local hashtags specific to your city, neighborhood, or region. This will help your posts appear in searches made by people living in or visiting your area.
  3. Geotag Your Posts:  Always geotag your posts with your business location. Geotagging allows users to discover your posts when they search for content within a specific area.
  4. Collaborate with Local Influencers:  Partner with local influencers who have a strong following in your area. Their endorsements and posts about your business can boost your local visibility.
  5. Engage with Local Followers:  Respond to comments and direct messages from local followers promptly. Building meaningful connections with your local audience will foster loyalty.
  6. Feature Local Events and Festivals:  If your business participates in or sponsors local events, showcase them on your Instagram. This creates a sense of community and involvement.
  7. Highlight Local Customers:  Share posts or stories featuring local customers enjoying your products or services. This will encourage more locals to engage with your business.
  8. Collaborate with Local Businesses:  Partner with other local businesses for cross-promotions and collaborative content. This can help you tap into each other's audiences.
  9. Utilize Instagram Stories for Local Updates:  Use Instagram Stories to share real-time updates, promotions, and limited-time offers that are exclusive to your local audience.
  10. Host Local Giveaways:  Organize giveaways for your local followers. Encourage them to tag their friends who are also from the area to increase local engagement.
  11. Showcase Local Experiences:  Highlight the unique aspects of your locality through your posts. Share images or stories that resonate with local pride and interests.
  12. Participate in Local Challenges:  If there are any local Instagram challenges or trends, join in and create content that reflects your business's connection to the community.
  13. Sponsor Local Charity or Community Events:  Demonstrate your business's commitment to the local community by sponsoring or participating in local charity events.
  14. Use Instagram Ads Targeting:  Take advantage of Instagram's advertising options, such as "Local Awareness Ads" or "Store Visits Ads," to specifically target users in your area.
  15. Showcase Local Partnerships:  Collaborate with other local businesses or organizations and feature them in your posts. This can help create a sense of unity within the community.
  16. Share Local Testimonials:  Feature positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied local customers. This builds trust and encourages others to try your products or services.
  17. Monitor Local Insights:  Keep track of your Instagram Insights to understand the demographics and locations of your audience. This data will help you tailor your content for local viewers.
  18. Run Local Events or Workshops:  Organize local events, workshops, or classes related to your business and promote them on Instagram.
  19. Encourage User-Generated Content:  Encourage your local followers to create content featuring your business and share it with a branded hashtag. Reposting user-generated content showcases community involvement.
  20. Stay True to Your Local Roots:  Finally, be authentic and genuine in your approach. Embrace your local identity and celebrate what makes your business special within the community.


By implementing these strategies, you can effectively keep your Instagram views more local and strengthen your presence within your community. Remember, connecting with your local audience on a personal level fosters loyalty and builds a strong customer base that will support your business for the long term.


Linktree Logo

Linktree -

Do you have Linktree on your Instagram and Facebook Pages?

Streamline Your Cake Store's Online Presence with Linktree!

In this digital age, a strong online presence is essential for businesses to succeed.

For cake stores and bakeries, showcasing their delightful creations and connecting with customers through social media platforms is crucial. However, managing multiple links and profiles can be overwhelming.

That's where Linktree comes to the rescue! In this section, we explore how Linktree works and provide examples of how it can be leveraged to enhance the online presence of a cake store.

What is Linktree?

Linktree is a powerful tool designed to simplify the process of sharing multiple links on social media platforms, particularly on platforms like Instagram, where you are limited to one clickable link in your bio. It serves as a landing page that houses a collection of links to various web pages, allowing businesses to consolidate their online presence effectively.

If you haven't seen a Linktree, find a few Instagram accounts that have lots of followers and look at their bio. Chances are they will have a Linktree - have a look at this one, then look further for a few other examples.

Some are done well, others could be improved, so get some ideas from them, and think about how you could use it for your store.

How Does Linktree Work?

  1. Creating an Account:  To get started, visit the Linktree website (linktr.ee) and sign up for a free account. You can also opt for a premium version, offering additional features for a small monthly fee.
  2. Building Your Linktree:  After signing up, you'll be prompted to customize your Linktree. Upload a profile picture and add a catchy bio that represents your cake store. Make sure it reflects your brand identity and includes relevant keywords.
  3. Adding Links:  Here comes the essential part! You can now start adding links to your cake store's various online platforms, such as your website, online shop, social media profiles, blog, and more. You can also include direct links to specific cake category pages, seasonal offers, or promotions.
  4. Customizing the Layout:  Linktree offers several layout options to match your brand's aesthetic. Choose colors, fonts, and background images that align with your cake store's visual identity, ensuring a consistent user experience.
  5. Track Performance:  With Linktree's built-in analytics, you can measure the performance of each link. This data helps you understand which links are gaining traction, allowing you to fine-tune your online marketing strategy.

Examples: Enhancing Your Cake Store's Online Presence with Linktree.

  1. Instagram Profile Enhancement:  Instagram is a popular platform for showcasing visually appealing products like cakes. By placing the Linktree URL in your bio, you can direct visitors to multiple destinations. For instance, you can include links to your online cake shop, wedding cake gallery, customer reviews, and a link to subscribe to your monthly cake newsletter.
  2. Facebook Page Optimization:  On your cake store's Instagram or Facebook page, you can utilize Linktree to create a one-stop hub for your various web assets. You can link to your website's different sections, cake ordering form, upcoming cake workshops, and your YouTube channel where you share baking tips and tutorials.
  3. Seasonal Promotions and Discounts:  Embrace the festive spirit and offer seasonal cake promotions. Create a Linktree branch dedicated to ongoing discounts and special offers. Include links to limited edition cake designs or holiday-themed cake collections.   It is easy to change the linktree sections, so it's easy to re-arrange to put the next seasonal page higher in the list.
  4. Collaborations and Partnerships:  If you collaborate with other local businesses or cake decorators, Linktree can help promote these partnerships. Share links to joint projects, featured interviews, or shared events.
  5. Cake Gallery and Testimonials:  Build trust with potential customers by directing them to a cake gallery featuring your best creations. Include a link to a testimonial page or customer reviews, reassuring visitors about the quality and taste of your cakes.


Linktree serves as a bridge, streamlining your cake store's online presence. By consolidating all your important links into one shareable landing page, you make it easier for your audience to connect with you and explore the delightful world of your cakes. Embrace the power of Linktree, and watch your cake store's online engagement and success soar to new heights!


TikTok Logo


TikTok appeals to some businesses but not to others – but this should also depend on your customers.

Most of the suggestions about how to use Instagram also apply to TikTok,

Here are some additional suggestions.

TikTok for Cake Sellers: How to Sweeten Your Sales with Viral Success

In recent years, TikTok has taken the world by storm, becoming one of the most popular social media platforms with millions of active users. While it's famous for dance challenges and viral trends, TikTok also presents an opportunity for cake sellers to reach a broader audience and boost sales.

Showcase Your Cake Masterpieces:  The first step to success on TikTok is to showcase your cake creations in all their splendor. Capture visually appealing videos of your cakes from various angles and stages of the baking and decorating process. Whether it's an intricate wedding cake or a fun birthday cake design, let the beauty of your cakes shine through captivating visuals.

Short and Sweet Content:   TikTok's format thrives on short, attention-grabbing content. Keep your cake videos concise and engaging. Aim for videos that are between 15 to 60 seconds long. Use eye-catching captions and overlay text to highlight key points, like the flavors you offer or the uniqueness of your cake designs.

Get Creative with Trendy Challenges:   Hop on the latest TikTok challenges and trends while incorporating your cake business. For example, you could create a cake-decorating challenge where you ask viewers to submit their cake designs inspired by a particular theme. Engaging in popular trends increases the likelihood of your content being discovered by a broader audience.

Behind the Scenes Peeks:  TikTok users love behind-the-scenes content. Take your audience on a journey through the cake-making process, from mixing ingredients to the final decorations. Share tips and tricks that showcase your expertise and highlight what makes your cakes special.

Collaborate with Influencers:   Collaborating with TikTok influencers in the baking or food niche can significantly expand your reach. Influencers have established audiences that trust their recommendations. Partner with influencers to feature your cakes in their content or host joint baking challenges.

User-Generated Content (UGC):   Encourage your customers to share their cake experiences on TikTok. Create a branded hashtag and ask them to use it when posting videos of your cakes. User-generated content acts as powerful social proof and can inspire others to try your cakes too.

Offer Limited-Time Promotions:   Drive urgency and excitement by offering limited-time promotions exclusive to your TikTok followers. For example, you could create a discount code for viewers to use when placing cake orders during a specific period. This tactic encourages viewers to take action quickly and can lead to increased sales.

Engage with Your Audience:   Reply to comments on your TikTok videos and engage with your audience. Building a connection with potential customers can foster trust and loyalty. Answer questions about your cakes, thank people for positive comments, and show appreciation for their support.

Analytics and Insights:   TikTok offers insights and analytics for pro accounts. Utilize this data to understand which videos perform well and what resonates with your audience. Adapt your content strategy based on these insights to continually improve your reach and engagement.

Consistency is Key:   To see real results, consistency is crucial. Regularly post content and interact with your audience. The more you engage, the more TikTok's algorithm will reward you by showing your videos to a broader audience.

In conclusion, TikTok can be a game-changer for cake sellers looking to increase their sales and brand visibility. By showcasing your cake masterpieces, staying on top of trends, and engaging with your audience, you can leverage TikTok's immense potential to sweeten your cake business success. So, whip out your smartphone, start filming, and let the TikTok magic do wonders for your cake sales!



How to Deal with Social Media Influencers who approach you, but you don't want their services at the moment.

You may have already dealt with Influencers.

If they can prove that their reach is mostly within your customer-base area then it’s worth a try with them, but charges can be high.

The best way I have found is to offer an arrangement to pay them a small percentage (perhaps 5%?) of every sale proven to have originated from their post.  If they bring in lots of sales, they get a nice payout, and you are both happy. If there are no proven sales, then it has not cost you anything.

Mostly they will run away from that.

Round Facebook Logo


All of the notes for Instagram & TikTok, about posts and interacting with followers, also apply to Facebook.

Facebook will reach a different section of your customer base than Instagram or TikTok will reach.

Also, Facebook is usually more local people in your own area, rather than just someone who likes a pretty picture but is not in your local area, (so is very unlikely to become a customer.)

So while your Facebook Page Likes & Follower Numbers may be lower, they are more likely to be personally connected with your store, so more likely to be actual buyers.

You probably do need both!

How To Improve Your Facebook Header Area.

On your desktop/laptop computer look at your Facebook Business Page.

Check on the  “View As” option to see how your page looks to your customers, (find this option by clicking the 3  dots below the Header Edit button.)

  1. Is your “Intro” area message helpful to your customers – does it tell them what you can do for them? Is there too much text there – so some is cut off?
  2. Is your “Page” description correct?
  3. Check your “About” details - Are your address, phone, email address, website link & hours up to date?
  4. Do you have a “Featured” Post and is it still appropriate?
  5. What is the date on the Featured post – your customers can see that date too, and sometimes they think that is the most recent post because it is at the top!  So, if it looks a bit old, they may assume that your page is not active, and leave.  It’s a good idea to replace the featured post occasionally - even if it is just a new post on the same subject.
  6. To make a post 'Featured',  on the post you want to feature, go to the top right side of the post, to the 3dots and find “Pin Post”. Click it to add the Post to your featured area at the top – you can add more than one, and you can adjust the order of the featured posts & delete old featured Pins (and the post will remain in it's place in the feed).

Then,  look at your Facebook Page on a mobile device. This is where many (often most) of your customers will first see your Facebook page.

The header is much smaller & cut off, and the small round profile picture can often cover a lot of the lower half of the header.

So do your main header AND  your profile picture, tell the customer what your business does and how you can help them,  on their desktop AND mobile phone?

If not can you re-design the header and profile picture to make it useful to your potential customer rather than just being a pretty picture with no actual information?


If the customer clicks on the header, and or the profile picture, does the page tell them about your business and is there a link to your website (or linktree) there?

You can edit these most easily on your desktop/laptop to add links to these areas.


Facebook Posts

When you do a post, sometimes post with location tags/name of your shop, but more often with your town/suburb and nearby towns/suburbs. This will enable your business to be found by people looking for businesses in your local areas

When making Facebook Posts  -

  • Do you just put up a pretty picture?
  • Do you add some text to the image to tell a story?
  • Do you add more details above the post?
  • With a description or a story?
  • Do you add #hashtags?

Your post is more likely to be clicked if there are enough lines to show the “See more” prompt, and the more interaction you get, the more your post will be shown to other people.

Do you always include a Call To Action eg 'call in this week and try one!',  or a website link, or your phone number, for more information about the subject of the post?

You don’t need all, or even any, of these details on every post, but do one or more, often.


Did you know that your posts are NOT Shown to everyone who likes/follows you?

(Facebook actually charges you to boost your post to show it to more of your followers.)

So yes, you can do lots of posts, because not all your customers are shown all your posts.

The more interaction they do – such as clicking the post to ‘See more’ or following a link, the more likely they are to see more posts.

And the more interactions on a post from lots of viewers, the more Facebook will show the post to even more people.


Do you add Hashtags to your Facebook Posts? – Can or should you use the same ones that you use on Instagram? What should you do? - See this link https://publer.io/blog/hashtags-on-facebook/   for advice on this.


Yes, you can still run competitions and promotions in Facebook.

For all the 2023 details link here -  https://rafflepress.com/facebook-contest-rules/

When you have some time, it is interesting to try some competition ideas out and see what they can do for your 'Likes' and your business. Sometimes they work well, and sometimes they flop. Try out a few ideas and you will quickly learn what works and be able to repeat that a few times a year.


Pinterest Logo


It’s easy to add any images you already have for Facebook or Instagram to Pinterest if you want a presence there.

Again – like all the others, Pinterest rewards regular pinners so if you just go there once every 6 months and put some pins on, you won’t get many views.

So we recommend making it a regular activity  - or don’t bother.

Pinterest also rewards pinners who create boards in a theme and re-pin other people’s pins, in about a "1 of mine to 2 other peoples pins"  ratio.

So it can be a lot of work to get a properly functioning board on Pinterest.

On the other hand, if you do put the work in, you will get a lot of views and (hopefully) customers.


These are the overall principles you should use to Identify your customers and optimize your online presence

In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for attracting more customers to your cake shop or cake decorating business. By leveraging social media platforms and business directories effectively, you can reach a wider audience and increase your chances of driving more sales. Here are some steps to help you identify and optimize your online presence:

1. Define your target audience: Before diving into social media and business directories, it's essential to have a clear understanding of who your ideal customers are. Consider factors such as age, location, interests, and preferences. By knowing your target audience, you can tailor your online presence to attract the right customers.

2. Research social media platforms: Different social media platforms cater to different demographics and interests. Research which platforms are popular among your target audience and focus your efforts on those platforms. For example, Instagram and Pinterest are great for showcasing visually appealing cake designs, while Facebook and Twitter can be used for engaging with customers and sharing updates.

3. Create compelling Profiles: Once you have chosen the social media platforms you want to focus on, create compelling profiles that represent your cake shop or cake decorating business effectively. Use high-quality images, engaging descriptions, and relevant keywords to make your profiles stand out and attract potential customers.

4. Engage with your audience: Social media is not just about posting content; it's about building relationships with your audience. Respond to comments, messages, and reviews promptly and professionally. Encourage customer interaction by asking questions, running contests, or sharing user-generated content. Engaging with your audience will help foster loyalty and attract new customers.

5. Leverage business directories: In addition to social media, listing your cake shop or cake decorating business on relevant business directories can significantly boost your online presence. Research local directories and review sites that are popular in your area and ensure that your business information is accurate and up to date. This will make it easier for potential customers to find you when searching for cake-related services.

6. Monitor and analyze your online presence: Regularly monitor your social media accounts and business directory listings to stay updated on customer feedback, reviews, and engagement. Analyze the data provided by the platforms to gain insights into what is working and what can be improved. This will help you make informed decisions and optimize your online presence for better results.

By identifying and optimizing your online presence through social media and business directories, you can attract more customers to your cake shop or cake decorating business. Implement these steps consistently, and you'll be on your way to increasing your customer base and driving more sales.

One of the most effective ways to attract more customers and increase sales for your cake shop or cake decorating business is by creating engaging and shareable content on your social media platforms and business directories.

When it comes to social media, it's important to understand your target audience and tailor your content to their preferences. Here are some tips to help you create engaging and shareable content:

Showcase your creations: Share high-quality images and videos of your cakes and cake decorating process. Visual content tends to perform better on social media and can catch the attention of potential customers.

Share behind-the-scenes content: People love to get a glimpse behind the scenes of businesses they admire. Share behind-the-scenes photos or videos showcasing your cake shop, your team, or the process of creating a cake. This helps create a personal connection with your audience.

Ask for opinions and feedback: Encourage engagement by asking your followers for their opinions or feedback on cake designs, flavors, or new menu items. This not only helps you understand your customers better but also generates conversation and increases the chances of your content being shared.

Create interactive content: Consider creating polls, quizzes, or contests that involve your audience. This not only encourages engagement but also increases the likelihood of your content being shared as people love to participate and share their results.

Share cake-related tips and tutorials: Position yourself as an expert in cake decoration by sharing helpful tips, tutorials, or recipes related to cake decorating. This type of content is valuable and often gets shared by people looking to learn or improve their skills.

Collaborate with influencers or other businesses: Partnering with influencers or other businesses in the cake industry can help you reach a wider audience. Collaborate on content creation or host joint giveaways to attract new customers and increase your chances of getting shared.

Remember, the key to creating engaging and shareable content is to provide value to your audience, evoke emotions, and encourage interaction. Experiment with different types of content and analyze the response to understand what works best for your cake shop or cake decorating business.


Utilize social media platforms effectively to bring in more customers and increase sales for your cake shop or cake decorating business. Social media has become an essential tool for businesses to connect with their target audience and build brand awareness. Follow these tips to make the most out of your social media presence:

Choose the right platforms: Identify the social media platforms that are most popular among your target market. Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest are commonly used platforms for cake businesses. Focus your efforts on these platforms to maximize your reach.

Create engaging content: Share visually appealing images and videos of your cakes, cake decorating process, and behind-the-scenes moments. Show off your creativity and expertise to captivate your audience. Use high-quality images and videos that are well-lit and showcase your cakes in the best possible way.

Interact with your audience: Social media is all about building relationships. Respond to comments and messages promptly, and engage with your followers by asking questions or creating polls. Show genuine interest in your audience and make them feel valued.

Run giveaways and contests: Encourage user participation and generate buzz by organizing giveaways and contests. Ask your followers to tag their friends, share your posts, or create their own cake designs using your hashtag. This not only increases your visibility but also helps you reach new potential customers.

Collaborate with influencers: Identify influencers or bloggers in the cake decorating niche who have a significant following. Partner with them to promote your products or services. Influencers can create sponsored content, share reviews, or even host giveaways on your behalf, effectively reaching a wider audience.

Utilize paid advertising: Consider allocating a budget for social media advertising. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram offer targeted advertising options that allow you to reach specific demographics and interests. Experiment with different ad formats, such as carousel ads or sponsored stories, to find what works best for your cake business.

Monitor analytics: Regularly analyze your social media analytics to understand what content resonates the most with your audience. Pay attention to metrics like engagement rate, reach, and click-through rate. This data will enable you to refine your social media strategy and optimize your efforts for better results.

By utilizing social media platforms effectively, you can build a strong online presence, attract more customers, and increase sales for your cake shop or cake decorating business. Stay consistent, be creative, and engage with your audience to make the most out of your social media marketing efforts.


In conclusion, the success of cake shop owners and cake decorating businesses heavily relies on their ability to attract more customers and increase sales. Throughout this lesson, we have discussed the importance of utilizing social media  to achieve this goal.

Key Takeaways

Harness the Power of Social Media

Social media platforms provide an excellent opportunity to showcase your cake creations, engage with potential customers, and build a loyal following. By consistently sharing high-quality content, interacting with your audience, and leveraging targeted advertising, you can significantly enhance your online presence and attract more customers.


Next Steps

Review this lesson again, after a break, to allow you to digest & absorb the information.

You can always refer back to this lesson as a handy resource whenever you need it.

Remember, attracting more customers and orders with your social media is an ongoing process that requires continuous effort and adaptation. Stay proactive, stay creative, and keep striving for excellence.


List of Lessons

These Lessons are not in any specific order and are all stand-alone,

So, see what interests you the most and do that one next, but don't forget to study them all as soon as you can!

Chances are that the ones you find least attractive at this stage, are the ones that will make the biggest difference in your business.

  1. Updating Your Website.
  2. How Best To Use Your Social Media.
  3. Using Business Directories to Bring Customers.
  4. Finding The Latest Trends In Cakes And Cake Decorating.
  5. How To Become The Local Cake Expert.
  6. How To Collect And Use Email Addresses To Target Your Audience For Birthdays & Seasonal Products.
  7. Expand Your Range Of Products And Profits With Not Much Extra Effort.
  8. Staff - Morale, Productivity & Upskilling Ideas and Methods.
  9. Optimize Pricing Strategy And Decrease Costs To Maximize Profits And Competitiveness.
  10. Business Promotional Ideas And Supplies: Enhance Your Presentation And Productivity.
  11. What Might Make Your Business Look Unprofessional?

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